50 Years in the Making…of Lifts
When you sit back and think, 50 years isn’t a very long time. If you are referring to the age of a person, 50 years could be considered middle aged. When discussing houses, a home built in the 1960’s would not be considered historic. Some say wines don’t even reach full maturity until they hit the 70 year mark. However, when talking about the relationship between an employee and employer, 50 years would seem almost unattainable, not to Eddie Brooks.
This month Eddie and Rotary Lift will achieve a monumental milestone, 50 years of continuous employment. In a day and age where both employees and employers are always looking for the next best thing, loyalty might seem like a novel concept. Eddie and Rotary made a commitment to excellence, not only to the products they produced, but to each other. Eddie started with Rotary lift in November of 1965 and will clock out a final time this month, wrapping up an inspiring career for a truly great employee. It’s simple for a company to keep a valuable employee like Eddie. His knowledge and skillset is unique, one that only 50 years of experience can produce.
Eddie started his career at Rotary as a laborer, more specifically a welder’s helper – making sparks fly with a grinder. From there, he became a quality inspector, and then moved to fork truck operator. When he first started, Rotary only produced in-ground lifts. Two-posts were a distant dream. Eddie has been at Rotary for some very exciting innovations and was vital to the success of the company. Chances are if you own a Rotary Lift, he loaded it on the truck that brought it to you.
Congratulations on your retirement, Eddie. It’s well deserved.
Rotary Spotlight – Eddie Brooks from Vehicle Service Group on Vimeo.
If you want a little trip down memory lane, take a look at our “History of Innovation” page to see the world class innovations that Eddie’s seen in his 50 year career.
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